Chuckwagons at The Stotesbury Cup Regatta
Presented by Toyota
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Please read the following instructions carefully.
After doing so, you can order your Chuckwagon Permit by clicking on the SCR Chuckwagon button at the bottom of this page or HERE. (Note: Chuckwagon Permit sales are now closed).
Online Standard Registration for Chuckwagon Permits is available until May 2 or sold out. Late Registration carries an additional $30 fee and will close May 9th.
On-site Registration (if space allows) will be available at the Registration Tent in the Stotesbury Village on Thursday, May 15 from 3:30-6:00 pm.
All Chuckwagons (or similar vehicles for team tables, grills, large supplies, etc.) must display a Chuckwagon Permit. Each team is limited to one Permit.
The Permit is for the Chuckwagon ONLY. The tow vehicle dropping the Wagon on Thursday does not need a permit; however, late-arriving Chuckwagons on Friday would require use of a Coach’s Entry Pass.
Additional Reminders:
- 100% of Chuckwagons must have a Chuckwagon Permit affixed to the exterior. We recommend that all teams purchase these in advance. We cannot guarantee availability of Chuckwagon Permits after the deadline.
- 100% of Chuckwagons should arrive on the Kelly Drive venue on Thursday between 3:30 pm and 8:00 pm. Between these hours, the tow vehicle for the Chuckwagon will NOT require an Entry Pass to access Kelly Drive. The Chuckwagon can therefore be “dropped” and left throughout the duration of the regatta. [ NOTE: Teams that have completed and returned the Schuylkill Navy’s Green Sustainability Pledge HERE may arrive early beginning at 1:00 pm].
- Any “late” Chuckwagons that arrive on Friday will require a separate Entry Pass for the the tow vehicle, and only Coaches are given these Entry Passes. As a result, we do not recommend waiting until Friday to bring your Chuckwagon.
- Kelly Drive will NOT close for the regatta until 12 pm on Thursday. Do NOT bring Chuckwagons onto the site before 3:30 pm (or 2:00 pm, if you have obtained Early Arrival Privileges). Chuckwagons arriving before this time will be turned away at the Entry Gate (and those parking in any lot ahead of this time may be towed off-site at the expense of the participating school).
- No Chuckwagons may be parked to the LEFT (downriver side) of the Finish Line/Grandstand Parking lot driveway. This area is reserved for The Stotesbury Village and Chuckwagons WILL be towed from this location.
- We will distribute the Chuck Wagon Permits on Thursday at on-site registration as well as the Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing Association City Championships. Any team representative may pick up and sign for the Chuckwagon Permit.
- The Chuck Wagon Permit is $115.00 if purchased during Standard Registration. A $30 additional fee is required for late online registration. On-site purchase during the regatta is $160.
- Each team is allowed only one Chuck Wagon Permit.
- The Chuckwagon Permit must be displayed on the Chuck Wagon at all times during the regatta. Please affix Chuckwagons towards the “front” (closest to hitch) and right side (if facing the hitch (which will be the side facing toward the DOWNRIVER finish).
- Teams may pay for their Chuck Wagon Permit via credit card on Regatta Central by clicking HERE. (Sales are now closed).
- Do not park on grass on either side of Kelly Drive. Violators will be ticketed by the Philadelphia Police. Parking of Chuck Wagons is only permitted on the river side of Kelly Drive.
- Chuck Wagons should be parked at the river side curb. Please park in a manner to maximize the number of vehicles we may fit on Kelly Drive. Teams failing to do so may be asked to move (and, if needed, could risk rowing).
- Obtaining a Chuck Wagon Permit does not include a space by the river for your food tent. You must arrange for this separately – see Tent section under Spectators.
- If you have any questions after you have read this, contact Marie Leonard for assistance.
Steps to reserve a Chuck Wagon parking pass for the Stotesbury Cup Regatta via Regatta Central:
- Click on SCR Chuck Wagons at the bottom of this page.
- Select a quantity of 1 and “Add to Cart”.
- An icon for “Checkout” will appear in the upper right corner.
- Click on “Checkout”. There will be drop-down box for “Team or Club Affiliation…”.
- Select your team.
- Click on “Proceed to Check out.”
- A screen with “Account Holder” information will appear.
- Complete the bottom section of this form.
- The next page will allow you to pay by Pay Pal or various credit cards.