Competitors & Regatta Bulletin
Friday and Saturday, May 16 & 17, 2025
Schuylkill River, Philadelphia
Hosted by the Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
Questions: For Entry/Registration Inquiries, contact Stotesbury Cup Regatta Director of Racing Joe Kieffer. For Chuckwagon/Tent/Parking Inquiries, contact Marie Leonard.
- All competitors in a boat must attend the same scholastic program, defined as all participants must be students in the same school.
- Competitors (including rowers and coxswains) may enter and compete in only one event.
- Eligibility is assigned to students in their freshman through senior year (9th through 12th grades). Each athlete has four consecutive years (eight consecutive semesters) of eligibility beginning in September of their freshman year (9th grade). After eight consecutive semesters, a student will have completed his/her athletic eligibility and may no longer participate in the regatta. Post-graduate fifth year students (including Grade 13) are not permitted.
- Eligible competitors must not have attained the age of 19 years prior to September 1 of the year proceeding the regatta (i.e. for the 2025 regatta, athletes must not have attained the age of 19 prior to September 1, 2024).
- Junior events are restricted to competitors in the junior year (11th grade) or lower. Juniors, including coxswains, must not have attained the age of 18 years prior to September 1 of the year proceeding the regatta. Senior (12th grade) students may not compete in Junior events.
- A school must enter the senior eight in order to enter a second eight. A school must enter the senior four in order to enter a second four.
- No “B” boats are permitted. Only one entry per school per event is permitted.
- All competitors in Boys and Girls Freshman Eight and Freshman Quad events must be high school freshmen (9th graders). Middle school, 7th, and 8th graders are not permitted.
- Crews of home schooled athletes representing multiple public high school districts or more than one high school in a given district are not eligible. Contact the Schuylkill Navy for documentation requirements.
- Lightweight rowers need to have a certification document submitted by April 1st to be eligible to compete as a lightweight.
Weight Categories
- Lightweight boys shall weigh no more than 150 lbs.
- Lightweight girls shall weigh no more than 130 lbs.
- No weight averaging is required.
- Coxswains will not be weighed.
- For Friday races: Thursday, 2 pm to 6 pm, and Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Athlete’s Village near the Three Angels. You can do either but not both. If you weigh in the day before your race, you do not need to weigh in again on the morning of your race. Indeed, if you try to weigh in the day before your race and do not make weight, you cannot try again on the morning of your race.
- For Saturday races: No weigh-ins required. You only have to weigh-in one time for the regatta.
- If you choose to weigh in on Thursday (and we recommend it), you must complete the weigh-in process that day. You cannot return on Friday morning for another attempt.
- Athletes must be within two pounds of the required weight on the first try or they will not be allowed to weigh in again. If they are within two pounds they are allowed to return one additional time.
- Crews must weigh in wearing racing uniforms, and no weight allowance will be permitted. All members of a boat must be present.
On-site Registration
- Registration will be Thursday, May 19 from 3:00-6:30 pm in the Registration Tent in the Stotesbury Village (Finish Line/Grandstand parking lot).
- Coaches and coxswains meeting will be via Zoom on Tuesday May 17, at 7pm. The meeting will be recorded and sent to all coaches afterwards. The chief referee and regatta director will be available for additional questions Thursday afternoon at the Registration Tent.
- All crews MUST register on Thursday .
- Entry information for each school will be provided in a team packet at the time of registration. The coach or team representative should check and verify the entries and boats for his/her school. All substitutions should be made on-line at Regatta Central after being approved at on-site Registration. Scratches must be reported at registration.
- All trophies must be returned by their 2021 winners at registration or earlier, if possible. .
- 2024 winners are required to return the trophies at registration. Any trophy questions, please contact the Schuylkill Navy.
- All schools should clean and polish their trophies before returning them. Treat the trophies with pride and care!
Coaches and Coxswains Meeting
- Coaches and coxswains meeting will be via Zoom on Tuesday May 17, at 7pm. The meeting will be recorded and sent to all coaches afterwards. The chief referee and regatta director will be available for additional questions Thursday afternoon at the Registration Tent.
. All crews will be responsible for the information delivered at the meeting.
A crew other than a single scull may substitute up to one-half of its rowers, as well as the coxswain. Any substitutions MUST be announced at registration. Once approved, substitutions should be made on-line at Regatta Central.
The Course
All events will be 1500 meters. The course will be open for pre-regatta practice at 12:00 pm on Thursday, May 19. No boats may launch for practice after 5:30 pm on Thursday. Absolutely no boats may be on the water after sunset on Thursday and will be escorted off the course by safety launches.
The Athletes’ Village
All visiting crews will be parked at and launch from the Athletes’ Village near the Three Angels, approximately 500 meters downstream from Columbia Bridge at the finish line. A limited number of teams have been designated to park at and launch from the Gillin parking lot to relieve overcrowding at the Three ONLY. Only these crews will be permitted into the lot and only tow vehicles displaying the special permit will be permitted into this lot after noon on Thursday.
Bow Markers
For the time trials races, bow and back numbers will be provided. We ask that all bow numbers be returned at the Return Dock or at the Regatta HQ Info Tent (at Three Angels or City Dock).
For conventional six lane semi-finals and finals, bow numbers will NOT be provided. Each school must provide its own bow number for these races. Bow numbers one through six will be used, corresponding to assigned lane numbers. We will have sets of bow numbers on hand for purchase at registration and during the regatta. No shell may race without a bow number. Bow numbers must be a minimum of 7in high and 5in wide and can be purchased at EnviroPrintUSA.com, 1-877-830-6060.
Bow Balls
No shell may launch without a bow ball.
All crews must wear matching shirts. “Matching” means identical in style, color, and detail, including any insignia. No crew will be permitted to race in violation of this rule.
Bow-coxed Boats
Bow-coxed boats must adhere to USRowing rules governing the size of the opening, i.e., minimum 2.3 foot long longitudinally, minimum 1.64 foot long as wide as inner hull, inner surface smooth and free of obstacles.
Medals will be awarded to all first, second, and third place crews. Trophies and plaques will be given to the schools of all first place crews.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
The crew of any competitor caught stealing or engaging in any unsportsmanlike conduct will, at the discretion of the Regatta Committee, be excluded or disqualified.
We encourage you to order your tents thru the regatta committee. Bonnie Mueller will be happy to help you with your tent needs. These tents will be set-up on Wednesday. No other tents may be set-up until these tents have been set-up on Wednesday. We recommend visiting crews book their tent through us. If you chose to bring your own tent, we recommend the use of individual 10? by 10? canopies, which can be erected at no cost. Anyone using a tent, awning, canopy, etc. that is more than 400 square feet is required to obtain a permit from the city’s Licenses & Inspections Department at a cost of $75.00. Team booster tents may erected in appropriate spectator areas at your own risk. Please use caution and consideration in setting up your tent. Be sure it is secured and do not leave it unattended. If you must leave your tent, please lower it so that it will not be uprooted in case of high winds. The Stotesbury Cup Regatta is not responsible for any loss of items, damage to property or personal injury as the result of a tent’s existence on the regatta site. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our competitors and spectators at .
The regatta provides an ample quantity and has them serviced frequently. Schools are not permitted to bring their own; there simply isn’t enough space.
All manufacturers, clubs, and sellers of rowing-related equipment and goods are welcome to apply for vendor space. Interested vendors should contact Margaret Meigs.