Course Map & Traffic Patterns

Time Trial Traffic Pattern (FRIDAY Morning)


Crews Launching from Gillin Boat House, Canoe Club Dock or City Dock:

    • Launching: All boats will proceed upriver on the east side to the marshalling area above the 2000-meter start. No crossing of the racecourse is permitted.
    • Recovery: All boats will turn in to port. They will return on the east side of river in lane 0. All the while, being careful not to interfere with any racing crews. No crossing of the racecourse is permitted.

Crews Launching from the Athlete’s Village (located at Three Angels) or Boathouse Row:

    • Observe standard Schuylkill Navy traffic patterns going upriver along west shore
      • Stay to west shore past the 2000 meter starting line
      • Do not cross the racecourse at any point for any reason
      • Upon arriving at the 2000 meter start the start marshals will direct you into the chute for your time trial 
    • After completing your time trial, row well beyond the finish line to below Columbia Bridge and proceed to either the Athlete’s Village or Boathouse Row keeping to the east or port shore.

We will be using Lanes 4 & 5 for the time trials as shown in the picture above. Crews being overtaken should yield to the outside lane (example, if racing in lane 5 move to lane 6, if in lane 4 move to lane 3).


Semi-Final & Finals Traffic Pattern (ALL DAY SATURDAY) 

For Crews Launching from Gillin Boat Club, Canoe Club, City Dock: 
  • Launching: All boats will proceed upriver thru the bridge, then turn just above the bridge and cross straight to the west side between races, without interfering in a race in progress or about to start. They will then proceed upriver to the marshalling area above the 2000-meter start.
  • Recovery: All boats will return on the west side to above Peter’s Island, then at the direction of the marshal cross to the east side without interfering in a race in progress. From there they must return single file. Staying  close to the east wall and well clear of lane 1.

For Crews Launching from Athlete’s Village or Boathouse Row:

  • Observe standard Schuylkill Navy traffic patterns going upriver along west shore
    • Stay to west shore past the 2000 meter starting line
    • Do not cross the racecourse at any point for any reason
    • Upon arriving at the 2000 meter start the start marshals will direct you upriver to the warm-up area
  • After completing your race, row well beyond the finish line to below Columbia Bridge and proceed to the Athlete’s Village or Boathouse Row keeping to the east or port shore.

Countdown to #Stotes2025










